lundi 23 septembre 2013

NASA Will Pay up to $5000 per Month for Study Participants to Stay in Bed

NASA recently announced that it is looking for people to perform what may be the easiest job ever. The space agency is looking for participants for 70 days of study and they will pay you $5000 per month to do nothing but lay in bed. The study is being conducted by NASA’s Flight Analogs Project Team at the Johnson Space Center.

space sleep

The experiment is designed to study the effects of prolonged exposure to microgravity. These effects can be simulated here on Earth by forcing people to remain horizontal for 70 days. The goal of the Bed Rest Study is to help improve conditions for astronauts who work in a weightless environment.

NASA says that by placing participants in a slightly tilted down position with their heads down and their feet up 24 hours a day for 70 days straight without getting out of bed except for limited times will simulate what happens to the astronauts body during weightlessness in space flight. Participants in the test will have access to video games, TV, books, and Internet. Food will be provided to help participants maintain body weight.

[via MedicalDaily]

via Technabob

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