samedi 30 novembre 2013

Eggbot Holiday Ornament Designs: Merry Eggmas

The Eggbot is an art robot that can draw on spherical or ovoid surfaces. Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories originally made the Eggbot to decorate Easter eggs, but because the robot can accommodate any ball or egg-shaped object between 1.25″ to 4.25″ in diameter, you can also use it to decorate Christmas ornaments. Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories is giving away a pack of holiday designs to give Eggbot owners a head start.

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The Eggbot Holiday Super Pak includes all of the designs shown in the image above and more. Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories recommends that you use ornaments with a satin finish. They’re easier for Eggbot to grip and their surface contrasts nicely with marker ink. You may not get vivid drawings on transparent or shiny ornaments.

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Here’s a short video by YouTuber sean berry showing the Eggbot at work:

Check out Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories’ blog post for the link to download the holiday designs. The shop will add more designs to the pack so keep an eye on that post.You can order an Eggbot here for $195 to $220 (USD).

via Technabob

Datamancer Keyboard Benefit Auction: RIP, Richard Nagy

We here at Technabob are big fans of Richard “Datamancer” Nagy, the craftsman responsible for high quality steampunk computers and accessories. Sadly Datamancer passed away earlier this week. While that may be stunning news to his fans, it’s even more of a loss to his family. As a token of respect and goodwill, eBay user bruteforce1889 is auctioning off a keyboard made and signed by Richard.

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Bruteforce1889 will donate all of the proceeds from the auction to Richard’s family.

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You can bid for the keyboard on eBay. Rest in peace Richard.

[via Boing Boing]

via Technabob

vendredi 29 novembre 2013

1:2256 Star Wars Imperial Star Destroyer: a Direct Assault on Your Eyes

I’m pretty sure that White Tiger’s huge star destroyer will be a sight to behold when it’s finished, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s not as polished as this 1:2,256 scale model of the Imperial II star destroyer by model kit builder Cho Jin Hae aka Darth Maul. From what I can tell this seems to be based on a ready to assemble kit, but Cho Jin Hae did the painting and lighting.

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While Cho Jin Hae’s model is nowhere near as large as White Tiger’s build, the lighting on it is really well done and makes the ship come alive.

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Check out more images of the scale model on Cho Jin Hae’s blog. He also posted a couple of in-progress posts here and here.

[via Bit Rebels]

via Technabob

2x3D Lets Viewers Watch 2D and 3D Video on the Same Screen: Picture-on-Picture

The Shirai Lab at the Kanagawa Institute of Technology have developed a way to simultaneously display 2D and 3D video on the same screen without producing a blurry double image. The technology is called 2x3D or Scritter. It uses two projectors to beam the videos and graphics processors that cancel out one of the videos being displayed, so that the 2D video can clearly be seen with the naked eye. The 3D video will become visible once the viewer wears a polarized filter on his right eye.

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Kanagawa Institute of Technology Associate Professor Akihiki Shirai noted that their technology also has many other practical applications beyond displaying 2D and 3D video at once. 2x3D can be used to display text in different languages or show different layers of an object, e.g. superimposing the different systems of the body. The drawback to 2x3D is that it results in videos with relatively low contrast, but Shirai also said that that may be countered by using more projectors.

You can learn more about 2x3D on Shirai Lab’s website.

[DigInfo TV]

via Technabob

PicPaperie Turns Instagram Shots into Wrapping Paper

When it comes to gifts, it’s better to skip generic presents and find something that its intended recipient would really want and use. Otherwise, the entire thing is basically meaningless.

Now you can take things one step further by making the wrapping paper itself just as special, with PicPaperie’s customized wrapping paper.

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PicPaperie is essentially a service that lets folks like you and me print custom gift wrap. The twist is that it uses images obtained from Instagram.

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It’s a neat way of customizing gifts, since you can wrap up a gift for your friend that’s covered in images of her pets or her face, in case she’s really into selfies.

PicPaperie recently wrapped up a campaign on Indiegogo. You can find out more about the service by checking out their website.

[via Laughing Squid]

via Technabob

jeudi 28 novembre 2013

Legendary 8-Bit Treasure Chest: Item Get!

If you think the life-sized treasure chest is too big or expensive, check out ThinkGeek’s tiny version. It measures just 4″ wide, 4.5″ tall and 3″ deep. But what it lacks in size it makes up for in fanfare. It lights up and emits a chiptune tone when opened.

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These images should give you an idea of how small it is:

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Here’s a quick video demo of the chest:

ThinkGeek is selling the Legendary 8-Bit Treasure Chest for $30 (USD).

[via Gamefreaks]

via Technabob

Harvard Materials Scientists Invents 3D Printing Tech for Batteries

A materials scientist from Harvard University named Jennifer Lewis and her team have invented a new ink and printing process that allows or the manufacture of 3D printed batteries at room temperature. The scientists say that the tech is still at an early stage, but shows promise. The ink created for printing battery anodes uses nanoparticles of lithium-ion titanium extruded by a commercial 3D printer.

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The material is added to a vial of deionized water and ethylene glycol. Ceramic balls are then added to help mix the solution and it’s put on a spinner for 24 hours. The resulting ink is a solid when left alone, but can be forced out of tiny openings in needles under high pressure. As soon as the material is extruded through the tiny opening in the 3D printer needle, it become solid again.

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The team thinks that the technology will make it easier to 3D print electronics with their battery as one seamless piece. The lithium-ion batteries that the team is printing are as small as one square millimeter, but perform as well as commercial batteries. The tools the scientists are designing are meant to be used in manufacturing, but it’s possible they could someday produce a low-end printer for hobbyists.


[via MIT Technology Review]

via Technabob

Assemble a Cabinet at Them: the War Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver

So the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special has come and gone and it left us with some amazing memories. Like when the three Doctors were all wielding three different sonic screwdrivers. There’s also John Hurt’s memorable line of “Those are screwdrivers, not weapons. What are you going to do, assemble a cabinet at them?” And now it looks like you can already buy the War Doctor’s sonic screwdriver.

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The War Doctor’s sonic screwdriver looks very weaponlike compared to the others as is appropriate. This sleek sonic is metallic and tipped in red. It is available for pre-order now with delivery in January of 2014. It is only $27.99(USD) from Entertainment Earth.

Too bad we don’t get to see more of the War Doctor, but his sonic screwdriver will live on forever.

via Technabob

mercredi 27 novembre 2013

Tech Deals of the Day: Wednesday, 11/27/2013

Our friends at compile a list of daily deals to help you save money. Keep in mind that as with any good deal, products are limited in quantity and can sell out quickly – so don’t hesitate to check them out now.

If you’re looking to buy a product from a specific store, save money with updated and verified coupon codes here.

Computers & Peripherals:

Home Entertainment:

Personal Electronics:

via Technabob

Cyberith Virtualizer VR Treadmill Lets You Step Into Virtual Shoes (and Gloves)

When the Omni VR treadmill was announced, many anointed it as the perfect companion to the much-awaited Oculus Rift. But a group of students at the Vienna University of Technology may have a better VR treadmill at their hands (and feet). They call it the Cyberith Virtualizer.

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Much like the Omni VR, the Virtualizer is an omnidirectional motion sensor. It allows the user to walk or run in any direction, as well as jump, crouch and strafe. However, unlike the Omni VR, the Virtualizer also lets the user play while sitting. Another big difference is that its walking surface is flat, makes no sound and only requires that the user wear socks. The Omni VR on the other hand requires users to wear a custom pair of low friction shoes and it makes a considerable amount of noise when used. The video below shows Cyberith founder Tuncay Cakmak play a modified version of Grand Theft Auto IV using the Virtualizer, a Wiimote and of course an Oculus Rift headset.

I’d still rather have wearable motion sensors if I’m ever going to play a VR game, but I think the Virtualizer has great potential. Hopefully someday all of its electronics can be embedded in a less conspicuous form.

[Cyberith via Reddit & Oculus Rift]

via Technabob

Cadillac Elmiraj Concept Car Made Possible by 3D Scanning Tech

I’ve always wondered exactly how modern concept cars are actually designed. In years past, artists went to work with clay and molded the shape of a car by hand. I assumed that most of this process was now done with computers. Apparently, a mix of the two is more accurate for modern concept cars like the Cadillac Elmiraj.

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GM has announced that 3D scanning was a big part of the design process for the car. GM used a 3D scanning process that projected light patterns and used an advanced camera to capture 3D shapes and turn those shapes into mathematical data. That mathematical data was then used to create a 3D rendering.

Once those math-based models were achieved, the hand modeling in clay and computer milling took over. Changes made to the mathematical model for the concept were applied to the clay model using computer controlled milling. This process allows GM to move from a scale model to a full size model in about a week.

“With the Elmiraj, we were able to use 3-D scanning as the bridge between traditional hand-sculpting teams who work in clay and digital modeling design teams who work in math,” said Frank Saucedo, director of General Motors’ North Hollywood Advanced Design Studio. “Our ability to scan the clay model with speed and precision and go from the digital tools to the hands of a craftsman and vice versa was extremely valuable.”

via Technabob

R2-D2 Car Charger: A Droid with the Power of the Force

Every pilot needs a faithful companion. Even if you’re just driving a 1990 Geo Metro, it’s good to have a personal droid on board, just in case you get into trouble. R2-D2 is up to the challenge – plus he’ll charge your gadgets while he keeps you company.

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This portable R2-D2 USB charger sits in your cup holder, and plugs into your car’s 12 volt outlet to charge up two smartphones or tablets at the same time, thanks to a pair of 2.1 amp USB ports.

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But like any good maintenance droid, this R2 unit doesn’t just sit there, no. When you start to juice up your gadgets, his dome turns, lights up and he lets forth a series of beeps and bleeps. Now if only we had 3PO around to translate for us.

This is most definitely the droid you were looking for. Head on over to ThinkGeek right now, and plunk down your $49.99 (USD) if you want one in time for the holidays.

via Technabob