lundi 18 novembre 2013

Lego Minifig Mittens Are Also Good for Robots

LEGO Minifig Hand Syndrome, or LMHS. It’s a common problem that afflicts many of us. It comes from playing with LEGO for too many hours straight. Your hand begins to cramp and before you know it, you have a LEGO minifig hand. But don’t worry. Despite your ability to grasp things like a robot, and your limited ability to do anything involving fingers, there is a glove for you.

lego minifig mittens 620x674magnify

These LEGO minifig mittens are perfect. They were made by Carissa, a crafter in Dallas. They are obviously inspired by the hands of LEGO minifigs. They will keep you warm and are also perfect for LEGO cosplay.

Don’t let LMHS slow you down. Wear these mittens. You can find the complete pattern here.

[via Geek Crafts]

via Technabob

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