vendredi 15 novembre 2013

Roomba Commits Suicide: Rolls onto Stove and Burns

It isn’t easy being a Roomba. It’s a tiring life of nothing but dust and filth. That’s why these household slaves have been known to kill themselves when they get the chance. Like this one did. You are looking at the remains of a Roomba from Austria that apparently turned itself on and ran onto a kitchen hotplate, where it burned to death.

roomba hot plate 620x464magnify

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, when you live the life of a Roomba, the sweet release of death is a must. Hats off gentlemen. Hold them to heart. Let us have a moment of silence and stare at the charred remains and ash tracks that is our fallen servant.

Then laugh at those ash tire tracks from where it was running around in circles on fire. Oops. Inappropriate? Too soon? Sorry.

[via Geekologie]

via Technabob

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