dimanche 6 octobre 2013

Zepp 3D Motion Sensors Will Help You Suck Less at Sports

As the old adage goes, “practice makes perfect.” I had a coach in high school that was fond of a different adage it went something like “perfect practice makes perfect”, because if you practice something incorrectly, you’ll learn it incorrectly. With that little fact in mind a company called Zepp Labs has unveiled a 3D motion sensor to help improve your game in three different sports.

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The company behind the GolfSense swing sensor has announced Zepp Tennis, Zepp Baseball, and Zepp Golf – which all share the same sensor tech -designed to track statistics about your swing and help you learn where and how to improve. The sensor connects via Bluetooth to sports-specific applications running on a smartphone or tablet. The application is available for Android and iOS devices.


Each sensor has a mount specifically designed for the sport you’re playing and captures 1000 points of data per second when you swing. The sensor has an internal ARM procuessor, multiple motion sensors, and of storage for up to 200,000 swings depending on the sport. The sensors will be available next month for $149.99(USD) each.

[via Engadget]

via Technabob http://technabob.com/blog/2013/10/06/zepp-3d-motion-sensors/

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