mercredi 11 décembre 2013

Light-up Death Star LED Ornament: That’s No Silver Bell

Do something different with your Christmas tree this year and build a light-up Death Star ornament. Nashville-based craftycounterpart will show you how with a step-by-step Instructables article.

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You will use supplies like clear acrylic balls, LED tealights, clay, spray paint, painters tape, and of course the blood and sweat of countless clones. When you are finished, this space station will be the ultimate power in your Christmas tree universe. Just be on the lookout for those pesky X-Wing fighter ornaments.

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The end result looks really super nice and it will be the focal point of your geek decorated tree. The LED light really makes it look like a working station. I would suggest a small diorama nearby that is basically space debris, for what was formally Alderaan.

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[via Laughing Squid]

via Technabob

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