samedi 7 décembre 2013

Wicked Lasers Spyder III Lunar and Inferno: United Colors of Sith

Wicked Lasers recently added two new members to its dangerously powerful Spyder III series. The Lunar and Inferno lasers produce malevolent purple and red beams respectively, countering the green Krypton and the blue Arctic.

wicked lasers spyder 3 lunar inferno 620x232magnify

The Spyder III Lunar is a 400mW laser that emits a 405nm beam that’s still bright enough to be seen from more than 37,500ft. away. The Spyder III Inferno on the other hand is a 750mW laser that emits a 635nm beam visible from at least 26,000ft. away.

If you check out the specs of the Krypton and the Arctic, you’ll see that these light side lasers are more powerful than these newcomers, but that the Lunar and the Inferno still need to be used with care.

You can order the Lunar and the Inferno from Wicked Lasers. The Lunar costs $300 (USD) while the Inferno costs $400. Both lasers have a variety of operating modes, aluminum bodies and use a rechargeable Li-ion battery. They’re compatible with the company’s controversial LaserSaber attachment and come with a pair of safety goggles, a holster and a charger for their battery.

via Technabob

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