mardi 11 mars 2014

The Miracle Machine Turns Water into Wine, Kinda.

A lot of people out there really enjoy brewing their own beer. There are plenty of kits out there that make it easy to make your own brew and get drunk without having to trek down to the convenience store. If your preferred drink is wine, the process of making your own drink is a bit more challenging.

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A company has turned up with a device they call The Miracle Machine that promises to turn your water into wine at home. This device isn’t performing a real miracle; rather it is using technology and some raw ingredients to speed up the creation of wine. In addition to water, you’ll need grape concentrate, yeast, and a sachet of other ingredients – all of which its maker is happy to sell you for about $10 a month.

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The hardware has an array of sensors along with heaters, pumps, and transducers inside a large carafe device. You put in the water and other raw ingredients to make your preferred type of wine. Inside the device is an Arduino controller which syncs with a mobile app to tell you all you need to know about making the wine and keeping an eye on your wine as it ferments.

Its makers say that you can buy kits to make a full bottle of wine with about $2 worth of ingredients, though it’ll take a while for the $499 Miracle Machine to pay for itself. The Miracle Machine will go on sale via a Kickstarter project. If you’re interested in learning when it’s available for pre-order, you can sign up here.

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