mercredi 11 mars 2015

Couple trips and a wall-hanger...

Fished a couple times last week with friends from Wisconsin. Thursday found us moving a lot and not finding much be we managed a handful between three of us. We put over 25 miles on the Polaris and drilled over 50 holes. Lots...and lots of work.

Saturday my son Hunter tagged along and we fared much better. He started us off right away with his first Erie 'eye through the ice about 10 minutes after setting up, caught on a Silver Streak Rattl'n Spoon in green/chrome.


We made a couple moves and finally landed on them but only had about 45 minutes to get the rest of our fish. With one fish to go, and about 10 minutes of fishing time left, Hunter iced a 16" walleye for our limit fish. But...he said "dude...we can get a bigger one..." so before I could say "no" he dropped it back down the hole. Not a minute later, I set the hook hard on something very heavy, and I handed the rod to Hunter. Here is the result...30" and just shy of 12#.


I have fished for walleyes for more than 30 years and I have never handled one that large. It'll go on his wall as a memory for both of us forever. What a great fish.

Thanks to all of you for posting your tips, reports, and stories. They are greatly appreciated.

Couple trips and a wall-hanger...

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