vendredi 6 mars 2015


Rolled on down and picked up where samie left on wed.... Had about 4 of us within 400 yards of the digits... Two distinct packs on either side of us... One east and one west..

Fish were still there and the marks were good... Had a tough time figuring out what they wanted and lost a few but managed a couple before they moved off around 11. The pack to the west split off.. either to the N or E. Very few moving west.

Ran out another mile to the SW side of the island to 25' and landed on a pod and iced 3 in short order. Blue rap was putting the hurt on em till I snapped it off on a hookset.

Moved out to 27' and didnt mark anything in 40 min so we ran back in and picked up one more for 6 in the box between the 2 of us. Absolutely beautiful day and I got the first sunburn of the year sitting on the sled! First harbinger of spring!

Big fish of the day....


Headed out this am and figured i would run to the SE side based on the intell... Set up in 25' of water.. Marked a couple here and there but we couldnt get em to go. Got a text that they were hitting em in tighter so we bounced to 23' and boxed 3 before they moved..

Ran back out another mile and by now the wind was really starting to be a PIA when dealing with the shappell...

Had a wind shift hit while we were setting it up and sarah got flipped ass over tea kettle and smacked the back of her head on the ice...

Thank god she had her snowmobile helmet on... Probably saved her life for as hard as she hit!

After that, we just hung out for the next couple hrs and marked one here and there.. managed to find one that was suicidal.

Moved back in to 22 fow for a half hr before sunset... Didnt mark jack..

Big fish of the day and sarah's PB.... Thing crushed a #3 rap.


Greens and blues seemed to work best... With an edge to smaller baits. Do jiggers, pimples, cleos, buckshots and raps all took fish... Think Im down to a couple blue/silver cleos!

As far as location... Thats a crapshoot... Anywhere from 2.7 to 5 miles out. Heard of limits caught from lots of different depths today... Just have to keep moving till ya find em.

Good luck to all you weekend warriors...

Seeing how I couldnt find a hotel within 50 miles for tonight (and its forecast to blow tomorrow) Im not going to play.


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