mardi 18 février 2014

Classic Arcade Wristwatch: Game and Watch, Literally.

Looking for a new watch? Love video games? Then you’ll love the Classic Arcade watch. Granted, it’s bulky, but the fact that it looks like you’ve got a miniature arcade strapped onto your wrist more than makes up for it.

Arcade Watchmagnify

The tiny joystick is ornamental, but every press of the red button makes a “pew” sound effect and lights up the watch’s display so you can check what time it is. You won’t find numbers on the watch; instead, you’ll be able to tell what time it is based on the positions of the tiny spaceship and the asteroid that’s in pursuit of it.

classic arcade watchmagnify

The Classic Arcade wristwatch is priced at $59.99(USD) and will be available in March 2014. So start saving up your quarters now.

[via Gizmodo]

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