lundi 3 février 2014

Settlers of Catan Globe: Catanosphere

Instructables settler PenfoldPlant traded Settlers of Catan’s flat board game for a globe. A modified truncated icosahedron, to be exact. The result is a multipurpose piece that can serve as decoration, a container for game pieces and yes, a playing surface, albeit one that’s not as convenient as the original.

settlers of catan catanosphere by PenfoldPlant 620x872magnify

PenfoldPlant calls his creation the Catanosphere. If it looks like a lot of work, that’s because it is. You’ll need lots of glue, nearly 500 small magnets and a steady hand for this project.

settlers of catan catanosphere by PenfoldPlant 2magnify

Also, as you may have noticed some of the Catanosphere’s spaces for the tiles are pentagonal, but the game’s tiles are all hexagonal. So you’ll have to make or print pentagon-shaped copies of the tiles as well.

settlers of catan catanosphere by PenfoldPlant 3 620x465magnify

The globe’s shape and the presence of pentagonal tiles also affect the game somewhat, though PenfoldPlant believes that you can still play with the exact same rules as the original.

settlers of catan catanosphere by PenfoldPlant1 620x872magnify

Colonize Instructables to for his detailed instructions and notes on the Catanosphere.

via Technabob

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