jeudi 20 février 2014

DIY Wampa Taxidermy Head Made from Paper and Lots of Awesome

I’ve always thought it was creepy to hang the heads of dead animals on your wall. They always look like they are watching you as you move around the room. If you are a big fan of The Empire Strikes Back, you might not mind hanging this animal head on your wall.

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What we have here is a DIY Wampa head made out of cardboard boxes, newspaper, tape, glue, faux fur, and a few other household items. It looks a lot like paper mache, but it’s not. It was made by the fine folks at OurNerdHome, and its builders say they spent only about $20 on the project.

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While there aren’t step-by-step instructions, the images do give you an idea of what you need to do to make your own. I wonder what kind of fur was used. It looks sort of like the fur on that Wampa rug we talked about a while back.

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This is certainly one of the coolest DIY Star Wars projects I have seen.

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