mardi 25 février 2014

Fujitsu Tablet Prototype Lets You Feel Rough and Smooth Textures on Screen

Fujitsu has rolled out a prototype tablet that has a cool bit of tech inside. The tablet has haptic sensory technology inside that allows you to feel images on the screen. Users are able to feel smooth or rough textures depending on what is displayed on the screen.


The tablet uses ultrasonic vibrations to create a cushion of high-pressure air between the finger and the screen. That air acts like a cushion and makes the screen feel very smooth. Depending on what image is on the screen, the vibrations can be rapidly cycled to create the feeling of a rough surface.

fujitsu tb 620x184magnify

Fujitsu is showing the tech off at Mobile World Congress 2014 with several images that do things like allow the user to feel the skin of an alligator, pluck virtual strings on a harp, or feel the sensation of opening a combination lock.

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