samedi 15 février 2014

Scent Rhythm Watch Lets You Smell What Time It Is

Can you tell the time based on scent alone? People encounter different smells throughout the day. From the smell of freshly-brewed coffee to car exhaust or printer toner, it’s all in a day’s work for some.

Hardware designer and physical computing lecturer Aisen Caro Chacin stripped away the specifics and went with common and general smells for her concept watch called Scent Rhythm.

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The wristwatch is unusual in the sense that it does away with hour and minute hands in favor of a four-chambered timepiece that emits distinct smells at certain times of day to indicate the current time – or rather, the current time period.

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The watch is attuned to a person’s circadian rhythm, or internal body clock, which regulates the 24-hour cycle of the body’s biological processes. Correspondingly, the watch keeps track of time in four segments of six hours each, and triggers the related scent emitter. From 6 am to midday, or the rise period, the Scent Rhythm emits whiffs of coffee with caffeine.

Scent Rhythm isn’t for sale, although design files and its parts list are available on Aisen’s website, in case you want to find out more about its inner workings and how it was made.

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[via Dvice]

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