jeudi 9 octobre 2014

Michigan Mute Swan Project-Collared Swans

Hey Everyone,

We received some correspondence from Dave Luukkonen PhD, Wildlife Research Biologist for the DNR. For those of you that don't know, Dave coordinates many of the waterfowl research projects in the State and works with many Universities. Please see his note below regarding the project, reporting sightings, etc. At this time, the DNR will obviously not be removing these mute swans from the population, in order to track these birds and find out more about their seasonal movements, areas they utilize, locate other birds, etc.


Hi All,

We are beginning a mute swan research project in collaboration with USDA-Wildlife Services and Michigan State University and 30 mutes swans were leg-banded and tagged with green and white neck collars during August. These birds were captured in Arenac, St. Clair, and Branch counties and I wanted to make everyone aware of these marked birds in case you observe them or get reports as they move this fall/winter. Please forward any sightings of swans to me and if possible note the date, location, and collar code--all collars will begin with "M" followed by 3 numbers. We will be marking more birds over the next few years, including attaching radio transmitters to a sample and the study area will be expanded to additional areas across the state. I would be happy to provide a copy of our research proposal to anyone who would like more detailed information about the project. Let me know if you have questions or comments.



David R. Luukkonen, Ph.D.

Wildlife Research Biologist

Michigan Department of Natural Resources Rose Lake Research Center

8562 E. Stoll Rd.

East Lansing, MI 48823


Phone: 517-641-4903, ext. 250

Michigan Mute Swan Project-Collared Swans

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