jeudi 5 février 2015

Best Frost Seeded Cover Crop for Annual Rotation

On my 20 acre parcel I have about 1.5 acres, spread out over several small plots, that were well prepped and planted in annuals last fall that I am looking to frost seed a cover plot into this year. I am only interested in frost seeding because I will be limited on time. I need to spend my time continuing to remove mature timber, working on travel corridors and planting trees. I only have a rear tined tiller for working ground and it is too timely for me to need to work ground until my July/August plantings. Therefor I am looking to frost seed and top seed my cover plot. I know I will likely not get all the soil building benefits of a tilled cover crop planting. I am looking for guidance to help maximize the benefits of a no till cover crop. I am less concerned with feeding deer during the summer as I am with covering otherwise bare dirt and the added benefits what soil building is possible with the no till cover crop. My soils are heavy.

Is it possible to frost seed any red clovers... Mammoth Red or Crimson with any success? If not can they be top seeded (broadcasted) later in the spring right before a rain witih any success? I know I'll get more green manure with the reds than white varieties but if I cannot frost seed or just broadcast to establish them I'll have to stick to the whites. If that is the case my thoughts were to go with the following plan...

Frost seeding of clvoer mix


Alsike ( I have some areas of wet ground )



Later on when the soils warm up I would broadcast oats over the clover mix for added green manure mass.

Any input is appreciated.

Best Frost Seeded Cover Crop for Annual Rotation

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