samedi 7 février 2015

New Sled (tome)

Well I just bought a 1999 Polaris 600 XLT touring. I know nothing about these things so it was done somewhat blind. I tried to start (elect start) and wouldn't turn over just clicked. I assumed that it was the battery and put a charger on it found it to be okay 14.8. Next checked the solnoid and it is okay. So it must be the starter. oh boy. Hope it isn't too expensive. Next discovered that there needs to be new carbides put on it, both sides are missing. Gotta change the crankcase oil. It is very thick and metal shavings on the magnet. Hopefully that is normal. Not sure what else at this point. May end up taking it to someone with a lot more smarts than me.

Oh yeah it did pull start and sounded pretty good forward and reverse worked ok. When I pull started it it pulled pretty hard guessing good compression. I plan on using it for ice fishing. I have heard about something called scratchers. Not sure about those either. I certainly hope I haven't made a big mistake.

Anybody have any thoughts, feel free.


New Sled (tome)

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