samedi 6 septembre 2014

The Best

This ones not necessarily about the fishing, but the fishing conditions. I'm a young guy and havnt quite learned all the locations and techniques yet and don't necessarily have the resources. Something that I've learned though is how to catch fish near Dams. (Just an FYI I'm a catch and release guy and snagging and fishing with poor ethic isn't cool to me)

Today I went to the nearest large dam I can fish in Allegan on the Kzoo and was once again disturbed by how terrible the conditions and people there are. People screaming and drinking and smoking, leaving fish to die and rot on the fishing platform and even relieving themselves literally feet from where they fished on the cement. So my question is, what are your favorite dams to fish for the conditions? (How clean/ how are the people/ how accessible/ parking/ ect) How are 6th street? Tippy? Rockford?(I know this is unmentionable but not asking about fishing if that's okay)

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The Best

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