mardi 28 février 2017

Social Management?

While we can no doubt argue for weeks about whether or not the DEQ being a separate entity than the DNR qualifies as a "gotcha" moment in this case, our time would be better spent addressing the issue of new aquaculture regulations. Mr. Vogler has already tried to paint this as a conflict between the average Joe and elitists but as you can see from the list of organizations below it is a conflict between commercial fishing interests and recreational fisherman. Grant MDARD the authority to regulate the taking of wild fish and it won't be long until we have expanded commercial netting operations for walleye in Sag Bay. That was already proposed last year and will be again. We'll see the taking of brood fish for commercial operations before sport fishing is allowed in rivers and closure of reaches to protect the commercial operations. Just take a look at the conflicts out west and ask yourself if you want it here.

This is from the Steelhead Manifesto site.

We have a HUGE statewide political battle and we need your HELP. I received an email on a call to action and I will paste below.
Our state has a coalition made up of the (MSSFA, TU, MUCC, MEC, MCBA, Anglers of the Au Sable). Luckily for us they have began efforts to provide Senator Jones with sub language to his SB 526 that bans aquaculture on the Great Lakes and connecting waterways, which would have preserved existing aquaculture operations with stricter regulations on treating waste and flow through water.
This would have increased the chances of SB526 passing. Then, in planned confederacy, the Senate Republicans, Booher, Robertson, Shirkey and Casperson and House Republicans introduced bills (SB’s 681, 682 & 683) that virtually rewrite the “Michigan aquaculture development act” passed in 1996. Reps. Ed McBroom (R-Vulcan) and Triston Cole (R-Mancelona) put forward an identical package to Booher's in the House with HB 5166, HB 5167 and HB 5168.

These bills are devastating to our lakes, streams and rivers and threaten wild fish and our sport fishery’s ability to co-exist. If you read the bills (and you should) there are numerous changes that remove regulations and oversight of these operations.
The most egregious are: Shifts rulemaking power to the Dept. of Agriculture and Rural Development and away from DNR and DEQ; circumvents the Public Trust Doctrine, interposes a Right to Farm piece; allows up to ten net pens on the Great Lakes; removes the ability of townships to impose authority over the operations (Right to Farm); riparian rights are impaired, tribal rights via treaty are trampled on; bottom land use at no charge; and sport fishing license statue being amended so they can collect wild fish and put them in their aquaculture facilities (Taking of Fish).

Read the paragraph ABOVE one more time. You should be alarmed and must do your part to make your voice heard. All fishermen need to ban together and fight this. Stay tuned to this blog and I will keep you posted on any developments. I urge you to contact your representatives to make your objections known and YOU MUST ask them to do their part in defeating these bills.

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Social Management?

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